Why do we love? we loved so we can also be loved. but what is really the exact meaning of the word love? It is hard to define the meaning of it. Some would say that love is a self giving without asking anything in return, some say, love has no boundaries, loving is a self sacrifice for someone you love.
Every time we give love to a person, we also get hurt. We get hurt not because we love that person but what that person is doing. We love that person so much that we sometimes forget that we also should leave something for ourselves.
It is good to love but loving that person too much is not exactly the right thing to do. Giving too much love can also be harmful because when we get disappointed it gives us so much pain, so much pain that we sometimes cannot handle.
Learn to love yourself, loving a person doesn't mean that we should let our lives evolved to that person alone, we should also think that we also have our own life to live and that includes loving and respecting ourselves.
Some people doesn't take seriously the love that we are giving them they just took it forgranted. They are so numb towards our feelings that we also get hurt. They think that because we love them so much they already have the right to hurt us.
We should learn from our mistakes not to give love to much specially to a person who care less to our feelings and give love to those people who loves us the most and will not hurt us in anyway.
Remember that to love and to be loved is a very nice thing to do but it doesn't necessarily mean that we should let them hurt us or to be treated the way they are treating us, not caring with our feelings and all they care about is their own happiness, but we shouldn't also expect that they can return the love that we are giving them because true love doesn't ask anything in return.
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